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Rewriting the story on topical issues, with

a fresh perspective to challenge yours


fresh thinking right here;

Glenn Hall


FIFTEEN Media is your go to source for fresh thinking on topical ideas.  We challenge the status quo so that you can take a new perspective.  We believe each of the problems we write about has a solution that can be achieved through advertising/ marketing.  The majority of the time resolutions boil down to a shift in perceptions. That's what we do.


We view the world from the eyes of marketers, tell stories and solve topical issues, so you don't have too. 

FIFTEEN Media exist to challenge your thinking and partner with you to either extend the reach of our message or implement a strategy to drive change.

That's the extra 15% 

Fifteen Media Image - Red Head

If you like one of our stories or marketing ideas, contact us using our "contact" form and it can be yours.  We'll pull our story down the minute you pay the invoice, and the story is published.  However, if you publish our work as is and credit FIFTEEN Media or Glenn Hall for the work, then we only charge market rates for our freelance journalism.  We will pull our story offline and give your publication the exclusive on request.  


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