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  • Writer's pictureGlenn Hall

Life post anti-vaping laws.

Vapes are now only sold through chemists in Victoria, but this raises concerns about the thousands of small businesses established by Australians to capitalize on the global vaping trend. With no legal avenue to trade, they are left with no choice but to operate illegally. This situation begs the question: what have we truly accomplished if we've pushed law-abiding business owners towards criminal activities?

Previously, a legal vape cost $25. Now, you can enter any former vape shop, inquire discreetly at the counter, and obtain a vape for $45. The range of flavors may be reduced, but for individuals like myself, who have quit smoking cigarettes by vaping, having access to a vape is crucial to prevent a relapse into smoking.

Image source:

Chemists have not started stocking vaping products, despite the government's commitment to keeping the product available to former smokers given the huge health benefits vaping offers those switching from cigarettes. This situation is perplexing. The government's actions have not only adversely affected small businesses but have also compelled legitimate vapers to buy illicit products discreetly from vendors that are now operating illegally.

Vaping stores now sell illegal cigarettes and under the counter vapes. Cigarette packets are sold on the black market for $15 - $20. Comparatively, you can pick up a pack at Coles for $45. No matter how hard this market is policed, the government's pricing strategy has gone way too far and has created a black-market demand.

You should see how "normal" the people are selling contraband. They are your neighbours. They aren't criminals. They are actually smart businesspeople, who saw a world-wide trend and got on board, deciding to retail vapes. They invested hundreds of thousands of dollars into fitting out their stores and they have received no compensation from the government who has made their trade illegal without any form of consultation.

Smokes vs. Vapes
Image Source:

Yes, kids were buying into the vaping trend, but fuck. How about parents start parenting their children rather than the government stepping in and parenting for them?

Don't get me started on the plan to ban social media for children under 16. What a joke. Parents are giving their kids mobile phones with data allowance; so, they are going to find a way to get onto social media. The government's role is not to help parents parent. We are in a recession, yet politicians have time to waste parenting children into not vaping and not using social media.

If you google "role of government" it says.

The Government is responsible for deciding how the country is run and for managing things, day to day. They set taxes, choose what to spend public money on and decide how best to deliver public services, such as:

  • the National Health Service

  • the police and armed forces

  • welfare benefits like the State Pension

  • Energy supply

In Australia, we have issues with doctors refusing to bulk bill as the $85 they make per 15 minute increment, so $340 per hour, isn't enough to maintain their lifestyle. We have a police force where 50% of officers don't know the difference between mobile data and the internet. We have pensioners living on the poverty line and we are in an energy crisis.

All the while the government distracts from their disastrous management of the things they are responsible for with stupid governance over small businesses selling vapes and social media restrictions that will be impossible to enforce in reality.

If the government was to focus on governing the country, keeping its nose out of what people are smoking we would all be better off. It's not the role of the government to get involved in such matters because, when they do, thousands of small business owners get pushed into a life of crime and people who have successfully given up cigarettes are finding themselves purchasing contraband. The reality of life post anti-vaping laws is hilarious.



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Glenn Hall


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